Backnumbers (1983)

Stacks Image 49
World Premiere: 19 July 1983
Venue: Stephen Joseph Theatre In The Round, Scarborough

Play Description: Grey Play
Published / Available To Stage: No

Short Synopsis: Two revues consisting of songs from previous collaborations between Alan Ayckbourn and the composer Paul Todd.

The Grey Plays are acknowledged miscellaneous minor pieces by Alan Ayckbourn, which have received limited performance but have never been published, are not available for production and are not included in the official canon of Ayckbourn plays.


Backnumbers is a compilation of music previously written by Alan Ayckbourn and the composer Paul Todd. It was premiered at the Stephen Joseph Theatre In The Round in 1983 as a lunchtime entertainment and consists of two parts (1 - 10 & 11 - 20)- each with 10 songs.

By the time
Backnumbers was produced, Alan and Paul had six collaborations between them (and a seventh one, Incidental Music, was concurrently running as a late-night show). The shows highlighted some of their songs created for plays and revues between 1978 and 1983. Backnumbers has not been performed again since its original production.

The Songs

Backnumbers 1-10 (original play / revue in brackets)
1. Open for Love (Myself)
2. What do They Expect? (
Suburban Strains)
3. Unlikely (
4. Strangers on a Train (
BBC Radio 4, February 1981)
5. Drinking at Charlie's (
First Course)
6. Teaching the Children (
7. Unlove Song (
Second Helping)
8. Tea Tango (
First Course)
9. Now and Again (
10. Big Finish (
Men on Women on Men)
Backnumbers 11-20 (original play / revue in brackets)
11. Jubilee Road (Second Helping)
12. Not for Sandy (
Making Tracks)
13. Air Raids (
First Course)
14. Risking (
Suburban Strains)
15. Showbiz Blues (
Second Helping)
16. Fancy Meeting You (
Second Helping)
17. Copytype (
Men on Women on Men)
18. Dorothy and Me (
Suburban Strains)
19. Wife Swap Dance (
20. Goodbye (
Suburban Strains)

Premiere Production Details

World Premiere
Premiere - Part 1:
19 July 1983
Premiere - Part 2: 21 July 1983
Venue: Stephen Joseph Theatre in the Round, Scarborough

Director: Alan Ayckbourn
Musical Director: Paul Todd
Design: Edward Lipscomb
The Company
Michael Cashman
Ruth Mayo
Michael Ross
Liza Sadovy
The Band
Gary Beaty
Paul Todd
Richard Townend

Further Reading

Backnumbers has not been published.

Manuscripts (research & reference)
An original manuscript for Backnumbers is held in the Ayckbourn Archive in the Borthwick Institute for Archives at the University of York. The manuscript is accessible onsite for research purposes.

Reference Books
Unseen Ayckbourn (Simon Murgatroyd, Lulu Books, 2023, ISBN 9781447761723)

Musical Insight Into Ayckbourn And Todd (Scarborough Evening News, 20 July 1983)
All research and original material in this section of Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website is by Simon Murgatroyd M.A. and copyright of Haydonning Ltd. All other material is copyright of the named copyright holder. Please do not reproduce any material without permission of the copyright holder. For enquiries, email: